Friday, 31 August 2007

The New Alias

i feel like ditchin "portdeco20", just because of the matter of when i win the wsop 2020 i dont want to be known as "portdeco20", i want a name a bit more representative of my play maybe, or to throw people off my way of playing. I want a strong but lyrical nickname, a memorable and sharp alias.

Now im no shakespeare, i dont know fuck all about words and their meanings and its hurting my brain trying to think, firstly of how to properly spell 'properly', and second to come up with a decent name.

I want your suggestions, now these are just a couple that came to my head, bit shit but oh well: "Ultimatum" and "dead card holdings"

any suggestions appreciated and will probably be mentioned in an upcoming post


i come up with a few more after writing the post. Some friends have called me a 'pretty boy' so that why i came up with:

'pretty poker' or 'pretty boi poker'

or else, there is:

'Shark Bait'
'Acy Duecy'
'Blind Bluff'
'fish hook'
'shark eater'

they are just a few ideas, i really dont know what i fancy at the moment, still looking for ideas, so pitch!


Thursday, 30 August 2007

My Tilt Control ;)

In reply to an anomonous comment on my last post, i start low, i get unlucky and bored and want to up the stakes so i play too high for my bankroll.

Here is the best solution i can come up with, the next passage will be read anytime i feel myself goin on tilt, its to help maintain good play and to prevent tilt =) i try my best

As a game of both luck and skill, poker can offer limitless moneymaking opportunities, but can also be a rollercoaster ride ride of ups and downs that pushes your abilities and nerves to their limits.
Poker is an alluring mixture of luck and skill that makes for an exciting experience. whether you are playing or just watching. The really great thing about it compared to say, chess snooker, or even football is that for limited periods, anyone can win. We see newcomers beating pro's or triumphing a big tournement and walking away with huge prizes.
But, if you've played poker for any lenght of time, then you'll be aware that the downside is that you can get extremely unlucky for seemingly extraordinary periods of time, perhaps week or even months, and you will never really reach an even keel, as the swings go back and forth continuously.
Whatever level of involvement in poker you decide upon-from weekly home game, to full-time-pro, your nerves and abilities are going to be tested, and perhaps pushed beyond their limits at various points in your playing career when things go badly. Of course, if things go better thean average then your main problem might be an inflated ego and estimation of your abilities, which can also be a problem as things start to even out!

No player is immune from goin on 'tilt', its the better players/ more successful players that learn to handle it better than others and lose the minimum.

This is going to help me, and i hope you too =)

Another Example of where I Outplay My opponent And Get Unlucky

$1/$2, i call a raise with AJ, flop is A-J-X and i check raise him all in, he calls and he turns A10, i double my $40 buy in. The next hand He raises again, and i call with AJ suited, flop comes 10-J-X and he checks, i knew he would re raise if it looked like i was stealing so i bet big, i bet $16 into $22, and indeed, he pushed, and i called, he turned AK and the queen came on the river, the $80 ws gone. I bought in for another $40 and get A10, i raise and there is one caller, Flop is K-J-X and he leads out $12, i knew he hadnt hit that flop or he would check raise/call, unless he had a small pair and would fold to a raise, so i pushed, he called with Q10 and the ace hits. So my rolls basically gone, $8 left, its fukin shit, i hate poker at the moment! I can't catch a break. No faith what so ever in my hands anymore

Monday, 27 August 2007

Whatever Happened To The Poker??

Have't really been on here much, as i am now i thought i would write a post, but ive been nosing round the old blogs and it seems that not much poker is being played, amongst the more fimiliar blogs i read anywho's. So what happened to the poker?

seems a lot of people are on a break from poker or bust (me), hmmm. time of the fish??

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Play Money For Me

No, im not going to post about my pay money poker journey because that would be sad lol, and im sureyou wouldnt read.

I just wanted to say that im playing a lot of play money now and when im confident about my game again, i will probably deposit some money, still should be a while but..ah well, atb

Friday, 17 August 2007

I'm Done

fuck poker, fuck all the lucky fish.....Im done! laterz

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Pure Grindage

That $21 i put into cash soon went when i had a straight and flush draw but didnt hit, i left it there. The night after i played 6-7 mtt's which didnt go particularly well, lost quite a bit of my bankrol on stars and full tilt. Im keeping my stars account mainly for tourneys and my tilt account for cash, i prefer it that way.

Yesterday lost quite a bit on cash and went down to $199 in full tilt. This morning it picked up a bit, i lost my first $10 to a bad beat but started grinding my next $10 well.

I did get very lucky when i won a $20 pot all in pre flop AK vs AA, i hit trips lol. I then won another big pot QQ vs 1010. But the rest i had grinded out for 2 hours, i ended up cashing out at around $83, so a nice profit for the roll.


Monday, 13 August 2007

A Bit More Fortunate

After some heavy beats in the tourneys on stars i took a little break and then played some cash on ful tilt, played 10c/25c (sticking to the rules) and bought in for $10, soon was up and was quite fortunate this time, i won a few races, caught a few cards and cant really complain (for once)

I finished with my session in profit of about $60

Sticking to rules now, ive made about $70 today, so i use 30% of my winnings and play in highest table possible =) the bit i like, so:

30% of $70 is $21. The highest table i can buy in for $21 is 50c/$1 eek, gl to me.

Going to hit that table now, but most i can lose is $21 so it aint too bad.


I Could Cry lol

I put the hours in, fought my way through a field of 2000+, managed to reach the money in a good position and for fukin wat!!

I have 34k (chip lead on my table) blinds: 400/800, i raise from button with Q8s because it folded to me, got called by BB, flop was 2-7-8 rainbow, BB checks and i bet just under the 5k+ pot, he calls. Turn was a 3 and he checks, i bet out 14k into a 15k pot and he calls with 2k remaining, river cmes a 9 and he pushes, i have to call and he has 10J for the fukin straight on the river, i was like 'WTF!!! WAT THE FUCK!!!!!' ive seen some bad play by fish before but this takes the piss, doesnt it? how can you call with a gutshot when your are gettin shitty odds and risking your tournement life, after the hand all the fish on the table said i donked off my chips, wat the hell??

I was left feling raped with a shit stack in front of me, i had played so well as well, i managed to reach final 120 people and was just startin to gather a stack when i called a donk who was pushing everyhand. I had QKhearts and he had Q6off, yeah, the 6 hit and i go out with shit profit!!

he even called himself a fish and said stars always rewards him for plays like that!

Sunday, 12 August 2007

1st Out Fish =(

There it is, the blogger dunce walk of shame *head down*. 1st out in the bloggerment this week for making a stupid move with the nut flush draw..shame on me! Got called by a set and didnt hit.
Started my new roll today and did quite well, pure grindage on the 10c/25c tables and just before i was about to leave i got lucky and hit 2 pair on the river for a $55 pot :), i deserved to win though coz i had grinded it out for hours to get up. Ended a few $$$ up and entered $1 mtt, went pretty far, got into last 20 odd and lost a big pot K10 vs K9 him spiking a 9. That hurt and i put it all in KJ next hand and lost, won about $4 lol. Im up about $30 today so not too bad, Im railing Kenn atm in a $20 rebuy, chip lead on final table so vgl to him and well played mate.

Crash..and Burnt

After a dissapointing day yesterday i played cash and lowered my bankroll to $10. I then lost it, but i stuck to my rules until then.

I will be completely truthful how i lost it instead of lying =D
I put the $10 into a 25c/50c cash table of duece to seven (kansas city lowball).

I was watching the final table of the duece to seven wsop 2004 and got really into it, The final table included some great names: Howard Lederer, Barry Greenstein, chris ferguson..

I got really into this game so put the $10 on that, i went up to $17 before busting with my 8 low to his 7 low. I wouldve played lower stakes if only stars had lower!!

Ive deposited $204 on full tilt and going to carry my rules forward. At least now i have a decent sized roll to start.

Revised Rules:
  • I am not allowed to buy into a cash game with more than 5% of my roll
  • I cant buy into a cash game where the total amount money equals 40%+ of my full roll (stop me playing higher stakes as the short stack)
  • I am not allowed to enter a SnG that cost more than 5% of my roll
  • I am not allowed to enter an mtt that is more than 2% of my roll
  • Any profit i may gain in a day, 30% of that will be played with, in a cash table (depending on how much i win-to satisfy my higher stakes needs) and hopefully produce more profit. e.g if i gain $50 profit in a day, at the end of the day i will buy in a cash table for 30% of that = $15, no buy-ins after if i lose it!

I should be posting 2 times at least a day, once to report my daily profit and progress and to announce how much i will be playing with (night post), and once to announce how the cash went on (morning post) =D


Saturday, 11 August 2007

3rd Day-No Progress

Off the subject of poker, i would just like to announce that pre season friendly's have stopped for us, our last one was today and just wanted to post our results =D,

Newtown U21's pre season friendly results:
  • Newtown 2-2 Ellsmere
  • Berriew 0-3 Newtown
  • Newtown 5-0 shrewsbury
  • Abermule 2-5 Newtown
  • Newtown 7-2 Newtown Rangers

Not bad tbh. Also, scored my first..a nice beauty into the top corner was a nice pickup after chipping the keeper, everyone shouting thought it was in, and it fukin hit the bar cos of a queer dip in it, grrr!

Not an awful lot of poker played today, was hoping to fit more in but i spent fookin hours trying to get a bastard game to work on my new lappy, and it still dont fukin work!!

Played a few meesly SnG's, won an 18 seater, lost the rest, ive pretty much broke even today at the moment but im gunna play through the night i guess. Need to win a lot if im gunna play the bloggerment tomorrow which i want to do, wales needs me!

Also, ive realised that my readers (all 3 joke) are probably pissed off with hearing my bad beat stories s i aint gunna poat about them anymore unless its real bad. But all im gunna say is arrrgh! Although its quite fun and a bit of a challenge playing this level, it can get very fustrating.

Just wanted to know, does anyone play duece to seven? i was watching wsop 2004 2-7 and found it quite good, might start playing low stakes if i build a roll.


Friday, 10 August 2007

2nd Day-Not So Good

I actually entered 4 SnG's yesterday and came 1st in everyone, ended the day on $25. Today i entered two SnG's and played a bit of cash, not had the desired results today like i did yesterday. But ive stuck to the rules and been a bit unlucky in some cases. Ive had aces bust twice today, and im now starting to hate that hand lol. One was when it was all in pre flop in a SnG AA vs KK and him spiking a king on the river. The other i tried to slow play but 1010 hit trips on the flop and busting my $2 in cash. I went out 1st on the final table of the other SnG when my JJ came up against QQ, but never mind, still got more than 2 days ago...and the days not over, could pick up!


Thursday, 9 August 2007

1st Day- A Nice Profit

Never been more excited about playing poker as i did this morning, it was wierd, i couldnt wait to get going. I'm really enjoying this challenge, its the 1st day and ive managed to stick to my rules and made a nice healthy profit. I started on micro cash. won a bit, then lost more, I tried some $1 SnG's. Started on a 18 seater, ended up winning for $7.20, then a 9 seater and won that for $4.50, then another 9 seater, and again i won that for another $4.50 so 3 SnG's and 3 1st place finishes. Been a very good day actually although the money itself is near meaningless lol, ah well. Its keeping me busy and i am very happy with myself today. I honestly i think i can carry the rules with me to a high level, but we will see, could all go wrong if i start on a bad streak.

BR- $18

The BRM Challenge Rules

If anyone would like to adopt this challenge with me, you are more than welcome and we could make it a bit of fun, just comment on this post.

Here are the rules:
  • Start with $10 or less, i have $7 in my BR
  • I am not allowed to buy into a cah game or SnG that is more than 5% of my total BR. (there is an exeption under $2.50 for cash)
  • I am not allowed to enter an mtt more than 2% of my total BR

so here i go, hitting the micro limits =D

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

De-Meaning But Good

I basically lost everything in my bankroll. Played a few SnG's today. cashed out in 2 and made $8 profit for the day. Then amatay offered me a game of $11, a 18 seater which didnt go well, I then donked off $10 on 10c/25c leaving me with a mere $4.59. So i hit the micro limits, doubled through gaining $3 pretty much straight away!

My inspiration of this challenge is chris fergusons $0 to $10k:

I know my last challenge didnt go so well, and to be honest i dnt see this one do much better, im just gunna dnk of my money after a bad beat or summut. But im seriously gunna try cos if i can do this it might be spectacular =) and i really do think i can get used to micro limits *yawn*

bankroll now is $7, im not going to play SnG's or tourney yet, not until my bankroll is up to around $40. I will do another post to clarify the proper rules when i can think properly, bit late now, so i will post 1st thig 2morrow and get to work

Tuesday, 7 August 2007


I can't seem to play well at all recently, it really sucks. I just get so many bad beats it is really hard to focus on my A game. The tournement didn't go well as i expected. I was doing quite well, had a decent chip stack and no real danger of going out. I get AKsuited utg and raise 4x BB and a mid position calls,flop is A-3-5 and i bet out for just under pot and look like i didnt like the ace, he raises me, i assume now he also has an ace, i dont put him on two pair, but around A10. I re raise him all in he calls, he has me covered and has J5 for pair of 5's. Sick when the jack on the river hits =(.

This kinda things is so frequent at the moment, so i ask the question..'why does bad play get rewarded?' It hurts my brain!

The good news is that my eyes have been opened by non other than phil hellmuth!

heres the link:

and if you cant be bothered to watch, he basically introduces you to a new race of poker players, these are called 'meglomaniacs'. And basically these are the players that win a bit of money and then play with the money on higher stakes to try and win big. But the players dont have the skill to play at that level so just raise everything to try and not lose and try and accumilate more money. This is exactly how i play, once i win enough to play 5/10, im there, i may win a bit now and again, but in the log run im gunna lose everytime, because i do not have the skill or BR to play at those levels.

Thanks phil!

A Total Donk Fest!!!

I entered 7-8 $3 SnG, never cashed in one, not fukin good. But it was a total donk fest. Its so hard to play against bad players sometimes.

here are some ways i got knocked out:

  1. JJ vs 99 vS AQ with 99 hitting full house
  2. QKs vs AA (cant complain)
  3. TPTK flop vs 2nd pair making two pair
  4. hu, 2nd pair vs top pair
  5. AKs vs QQ
  6. AK vs 66
  7. two pair vs flush draw
  8. 2nd pair vs straight draw

just not good, totally fustrated now and my bankrolls almost gone.....again!

I'm back!

<<<<< laptop ="D
love it!
I'm back, yes i got a roll again, starting low again and hopefully produce similar results. I didn't hit the tables straight away after depositing but did later on.
A few people have said to mulitable when i play on lesser tables, they say i won't get carried away with playing hands i shouldn't really get involved with. Multitabling isn't really my style but i decided t give it a try, bought in 4 tables of 25c/50c for $10 each.
Hit trips against flush, one buy in gone, then i have two pair on the turn and push all in against two players, i know ones on a flush draw with 2 diamonds and i put the other on top pair. They both call however me betting so much doesn't really allow the flush fish to calll, but yet he does and catches, i don't play well on any table really and i am $25 down straight away. Not a good start, maybe stick to tourneys for now, but that's not final. Sometimes i only feel like playing for 20 mins.
entered a tourney later on so i will see how it goes

Sunday, 5 August 2007

A Reconstruction

Its happened again, tilted played way above my limits in 5/10 and 10/20 with my whole bankroll.

played aakari hu, he rivered me for $300 with a straight and so did a player on 10/20.

lost my whole bankroll now =( nothing to play with, yet i have made £1700 this one week so i cant really complain. i realise 1/2 was above my limits burnley but i didnt listen, sorry bud, when i lost a reasonable pot on 1/2 i would tilt, if i played lower i dont think it would have had the same affect.

ah well, still going to buy a new laptop with the money and probably wont deposit until thats sorted, so may be a week until i play again unless i cash in the bloggerment tonight which will start the roll again.

i accept criticism

day 3 loss- $1,402

Saturday, 4 August 2007

A Good Day But I Break My Rules

Yes, i broke my rules after 1 day. I knew it wouldnt take long but....fukin hell! Been a decent day though, heres my day in a nutshell:

day 2:

Played some PLO for fake cash, its basically all in with shit to try and get lucky, and normally some ass beats you with some crappy hand. I played a bit of this and lost. I then got bored, and hit the $1/$2 NLH tables. This was not such a good idea after playing that shitty game, started overplaying draws and such, and generally forgot i was playing for real money. The hand i lost a lot of money was when i got dealt A5spades in cut off, i raise to $8, button calls, SB raises to $44, BB calls, i call (wtf??) and button calls. Flop was K-4-4 with two clubs, SB and BB check, and i push for a further $80 (again wtf??) button folds and SB and BB call, SB is all in aswell, the board doesnt help me and all i have is ace high, BB turns his hand and wins the pot with a higher ace lol, he had the flush draw on the flop but didnt catch, god knows what SB had if he cant beat ace high!

I left shortly after that. Played live at ed's new house, 5 handed and wasn't doing too well but later on i started to play good, made some insane calls and some risky bluffs, I dont know what i bluffed ed off, but i had 4 high and got him to think i had a full house. I hit a couple of nice hands eg quad 7's, straight flush, couple of houses. Got lucky a few times which i felt bad for, espaically against grave digger, sorry man, i do feel bad =(. The hand was my 2 pair vs his nut straight on the flop, all in and i turned a house. I was rivering quite a lot when we played PLO, but i think i played very well. gg boys. Ended up £335 in profit, my biggest win yet live, happy with that and a great way to end an amazing week.

Ran 2 miles home....ugh....trying to get fit for footy which i played this morning, we won 5-1 against shrewsbury =D

got home, felt confident about my game and this is where i broke the rules, I played $5/$10. When your playing well, and you feel you can make money you should play, confidence is vital for your game! made a nice little $300 or so profit i think so it makes up for my bad play earlier on in the day...

All in all, A very good day

profit day 2: $170
profit so far: $291
BR- $1,402

Friday, 3 August 2007

End Of Day 1: Update

Missed a few hours of poker after i posted last, then came back on later, entered a 180 player $5 SnG, started well, was chip lead out of 100 for a while, but then busted out with around 50 players left.

Then i went straight up the $1/$2 cash tables. A few hands in and i QQ on the button, 4 limpers including me SB and BB. I like to limp with these hands and trap. Flop was 4-K-J rainbow. Nothing too threatening and we all check, now im pretty sure nobody has a king, turrn was a 5 and it checks to player to my right who bets $6 into $8. This guy is a fish....a total fish and likes to think he can successfully bluff lol. I just call and so does BB, river was a 3 and BB and player to my right checks, i bet out $8 into $26 looking for a call as i know none of them have a king. BB folds and the player to my right pushes, one of the weakest attempts at a bluff i have witnessed. i call and he has queen high (Q8) lolol. It was a nice $80 or so pot. Not a lot of action after and i leave about $50 up.

Stopped playing for the day now, pretty nakered and gotta play footy tomorrow, will update tomorrow, gl all

total profit day 1- $121
BR- $1,232

A Decent Start.....I Guess

Woke up looking forward to hitting the tables and earn my wage. I started my new plans with a roll of $1,111. straight to $1/$2 and a decent $100 win. I then lost a hand hu 1010 vs AQ which lost me $80.

I then saw a $5 tourney coming up and entered it, i did very well, played mostly abc poker and became chip lead. Soon changed when i cam up against a lucky fish who damaged my stack when it was all in on turn, my top 2 pair vs his top pair top kicker, hits a higher two pair on the river and im crippled and end up leaving next hand.

I then go back to $1/$2 for 30 mins and make a very nice profit and leave, take a break and hit the tables again, not so good this time, lose a few big pots, call pre flop when i dont need to get involved, bluff when he has a hand and basically give my money away. I come away $50 down, But i still made a profit....a win is a win!

might play later, may not

profit day 1 so far - $90
BR- $1,191

Thursday, 2 August 2007

A Plan I Hope will Succeed

As you know if you read my blog over last few days i have been doin extremely well and turning over some great profit, today is not the case, i did lose a few hundred $, then i went up a few hundred $ but in the end i lost it again. My total loss for the day is $1000......eek!

yeah, i just tilted madly, few bad beats triggered it i s'pose. I really need to learn to contain myself, if i achieve that i can avoid these situations in the future. I withdrew another $800 to keep safe from tilting it away and headed off to play $1/$2 with a new roll of $1000. Spoke with amatay who mentioned his success over the years by just grinding, i liked the idea.

playing 15 minutes into the $1/$2 tables and bought in for $120, my stack was already $300 so i came to write this post.

new plans

I figured, instead of trying to make it big in a few hours/days and make myself feel good, I would rather grind it out. Sound better to you lot?

The $1/$2 seem easy grinding to me, play a few hours a day, maybe a couple of SnG's a day. and try make a nice profit of $300 each day. a week thats $2100, a month thats around $8,500.

Now i dont expect it to go as easy as it sounds of course. But im going to try and play as sensible as i can. If i make my $300 in one day, im going to stop altogether for that day.

But, if i start to lose then i will stop at $160 and call it a day. I dont expect to stick to this rule as i dont have the will power but i will try my best....lets see how long it lasts shall we. gl to me!

withdrew - $800
BR- $1,177

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Cash With Aakkari

Yeah thats right i played cash with the pro, hehe. I came on in the morning and just played cash, made $200 quickly and put it on $5/$10 vs Aakkari, 6 handed, what have i got to lose??

Went very well, some good players but managed to make $130 profit on it and left after aakkari did, he was a lot tighter than i expected him to be. And.....wait for it........I stole his blinds =D i robbed $10 off a pro (one to tell the grandkids ey) lol. Pitty it wasn't raymer! i love that dude.

After i left that cash table i wet on to $3/$6 and made $200 pretty easy and went for a shower with $500 up in under 1 hour 30 mins. Lost some later on $3/$6 but still in profit for the day.

I come back on later, i withdraw $1000 to buy a new laptop =D and left $2,100 in my account. I looked for advice off ed =D for what levels i can withstand with my bankroll. I asked ed for advice on cash tables, what level? buy in? blah blah blah. And he recommended $3/$6 9 seater multi-tabling for $200 each.

So i go on to four tables with $200 each, early on i get QQ in SB, it folds to button who raises, i re raised him and he calls. flop was 4-J-A and i bet out half the pot, he calls. Turn was nothing scary....a 6 maybe, no flush available. I check, and he comes out with a very large bet, i take my time but i dont put him having an ace for some reason and call his bets, River is an ace and i lead out with a small bet. He then pushes all in. I still dont think he has an ace and call for not too much more, sure enough he turns Q10off lolz.

Anyway, the other tables went well aswell and i left after about 15 mins lol (hit and run) because i would feel crap if i lost it. So i was in profit $600 for 15 mins work....not bad.

new BR- $2,823

Most boring tournement ive played

yeah this is as boring as it comes, starting off with a 5k stack with 10/20 blinds and increasing every 30 mins is pretty sick.

I hated playing but i still wanted to do well. I gained a very aggressive imge at the table, betting and raising with nothing.....i mean super aggressive because i was so bored, i was 2nd in chips out of 200 and was playing everyone at my table.

Now this is sick......

Chip lead on my table and i raise to 350 as i was doing nearly every hand with blinds at 25/50, and a few callers. I have 45 suited and flop is 3-6-7 rainbow giveing me the absolute nuts, i bet and 2 fold, one raises me, the 2nd chip lead who is also aggressive and plays well. I re raise hima and he pushes, i insta call as i know i got the best hand. He turns 99 for a pair of 9's

heres the sick part........

board comes runner runner 9's to give him quads........thankyou pokerstars, but that is the worst bad beat i have ever had in my life. Its just sick.

hand again: 45 vs 99 AIF


i think thats wrong.....anyone else had a beat like that?

well anyway that absolutely crippled me and i stuck it all in with Q3suited and lost

New Stakes In Cash

I had said to people i wasn't going to hit the cash tables for a while but i have, but only because i don't fancy the tournaments coming up or don't have much time. I bought in for $50 each on a 50c/$1 table and a $1/$2 table. They soon rose when i played pocket rockets on 1/2 and doubled through AIP AK vs Q10. I played well and felt i could outplay any of the players i sat with. Even though i came in as the short stack i soon was up to $120 on the 1/2.

I was just grinding out 50c/$1 and was in about $14 profit when i came across A2spades i raised pre flop with one limper from the SB. Flop was A-10-5 two spades for top pair flush draw. he checked and i bet, he quickly calls and i immediately put him on the flush draw, river is 7c and no help to him, he checks, and i want him to feel i was bluffing on the flop and let a card come off to see if its a spade. Indeed, its the 6spades and I'm sure i can double through, he leads out for $8 which is a small bet, now i definitely put him on the flush....but i got the nuts and just push because i know he will call, its another $50 more and he does call....take $130 pot.

I play on for a bit and leave with $130 on 50c/$1 and $180 on $1/$2

that's $210 profit in 15 minutes =D

BR- $3,211