Wednesday 20 June 2007

Starved From The Action

Last few weeks i haven't been able to play online poker, my computer broke and i missed not being able to play. Fortunately, after over two weeks of boredom and what i can only describe as the worst few weeks of my life (not because of poker), i am back tearing up the tables (or so i wish).

I got back into playing, and started off by playing some $11 9 seater SnG's, won a few, lost a lot more. Gradually going down on the first day of return. Playing a ring game on the 2nd day, bought in for $40. A few hands in, its my BB and i have AK offsuit. It folds to the button who raises pot. Sb folds and i re raise him and he pushes for total of $12 or so, i call and i have him dominated with AK vs AQ. Board comes: {10-7-2}{2}{Q}. Not very happy and start to lose so i leave.

Not a lot to tell you about the first few days of my return really, been playing a lot of SnG's with very little success, and managed to damage my bankroll by $150 in the first three days. Been trying to do well in the daily double tournaments on full tilt. Didn't do very well in the first two. My third one, i managed to squeeze into the money just about, i had a very low stack after (one of the three lowest with 1,800 around, and the average was 12,000). Wasn't looking too good, but i soon doubled up, and again straight after bringing me to 10,000. Was looking more healthy and a few hands later i got dealt JJ, I raised 3xBB, there was a re raise all in, i called. JJ vs 55 and it brought my stack to just over 23,000. I reached 56,000 in chips when there were 50 players left, was in a reasonable position to reach the final table. I was playing well. I got dealt JJ in mid position, i raised 3x BB, BB calls, flop is 2-8-8, he checks, i bet pot and he pushes me all in, i call and he turns QQ, that was me out of the tourney, i cant complain, i played well, not with the desired results in the end. It was a cheap way to go out. Finished 48th out of 913 and cashed $23.78 (not really worth 4 hours of poker, i didn't even make a profit :( ah wel.......



Anonymous said...

I know this isnt something u want to hear but...u should really start playing 0.10 and 0.25 again. Your bankroll is too small to play 0.50 not to mention 0.5/1. Just start grinding again and build back up. Cheers!

portdeco20 said...

i havent been playing 0.5/1 at all, i played one session of 0.25/0.5 and that was it, only did that because the 0.10/0.25 tables were full lol. thanx for the advice though.

Razboynik said...

Hi there !
I've put up a link to your site.